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20 Questions with Drew Lovell

Musical preference can often be very revealing of character. It may not be fair to judge someone solely off of their playlist, but someone inclined to listen to, say, country music is going carry a different disposition than someone who listens to hip-hop.

Now, most everyone is familiar with the game 20 Questions, which oftentimes first dates resort to in order to break the ice. Date or not, however, the idea is that, by posing 20 questions, you can reveal something about the other person.

I love sharing my music, but I often close myself off to other people's preferences. I have this mentality, for better or for worst (probably for worst), that my own playlists are the end-all be-all on good music. I'm missing out on the other various perspectives on music appreciation.

In this light, I posed 20 Questions intended to reveal the musical appreciations to Drew Lovell. What do his answers reveal?


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