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   About this Site   

Music, for me, has always been a means to and end. Whether it serves to kill the time, create the mood, or liberate the mind, music’s profound effect never ceases to amaze.

I’m the kind of person who listens passively to most songs, until one strikes a particular chord with me. These musical epiphanies, of sort, drive me into cyclical patterns. Listening repeatedly, aggressively, until it’s rhythms, tones, and message run dry, the song finds itself deeper in the recesses of playlists, replaced by new additions and waiting to be rediscovered accidentally on ‘shuffle’.

Music must be absolutely excellent, in my eye, to get this treatment. I hope you enjoy my writing and the musical taste behind it.

Created for English 315 (Spring 2015), this blog contains course assignments, as well as personal reflections on music.

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